Extended  Day Program

The St. Michael School Extended Day Program provides a safe environment for students both before and after school. 

Before care is available from 7:00 am to 7:40 am and after care is available from 2:30 pm until 5:30 pm on school days.

Extended Day begins at 2:30 pm and runs until students are picked up, but no later than 5:30 pm.  Outdoor play, homework time, and indoor activities are provided. After school snacks may be brought from home, but please note that After Care is a peanut/tree nut free program. Snacks may be purchased at school (not through FACTS) for $1.00.

There is a flat fee for before care of $2.50 per day per student. 

The fee for after care is $4.75 per hour per student (billed in 15 minute increments).

Payments for the Extended Care Program must be made through the FACTS portal.

To register, please fill out the Extended Day Program form and return it to your child's teacher or the school office. 

Drop-off/Pick-up Details for Extended Day

Before care drop-off is at the front door of the school on Sewall Street. 

For after care, if students are not outdoors on the school playground:

PK3 - PK4 after care pick-up is at the Lincoln #1 door until 4:00pm. After 4:00pm they should be picked up at the Lincoln #2 door.

K-8th after care pick-up is at the Lincoln #2 door until 5:30pm.

Please ring the doorbell at the appropriate door and a staff member will bring your child to you.

Questions? Please call the office at (207) 623-2491 or email stmichaelschool@portlanddiocese.org. Please keep an eye on school communications for information about before/after care availability on early release days or other days with special schedules.