Mission & Vision Statements/Core Values

Our Mission

St. Michael School, a Catholic school in Augusta, Maine, while partnering with parents, community and parish, provides opportunities for students to embrace a rigorous program of studies and practice, and to model strong faith through community outreach. We realize that by embracing individual differences and creating a sense of mutual respect, compassion and understanding, we will instill in all students an enthusiasm for learning and a realization of their Christ-guided place in the world. 

Our Vision

It is imperative that staff, students, and families, understand the importance of moving forward, understanding that change is inevitable and necessary, as long as it is beneficial for the long-term growth of each student, socially, academically, and spiritually. An increase in inquiry-based thinking by the students, as well as a greater focus on Project Based Learning and cross-curricular work in and out of the classroom will help us teach the 21st century student in a way that is vital for their growth. When we add familial discussions about virtue, honor, faith, dignity, and respect, we are indeed fulfilling our mission of instilling in all students an enthusiasm for learning and a realization of their Christ-guided place in the world. 

Core Values:

Inclusion, Courage, Confidence, Integrity, Honesty, Excellence, Faith, Loyalty, Respect, and Perseverance.